What is Dictionary Attack?

About Dictionary Attack
A Dictionary Attack is an attack that is used to break the password of someone's WiFi. This attack creates a Word-lists which contains more than 10000 passwords, and this password is truncated in less time, due to which WiFi Password cracks and We know the password of WiFi
how can attack dictionary attack for Kali-Linux
1. Friends Dictionary Attack is not always likely to crack a password
2. This attack can not crack WPS/WPA2 psk secure WiFi
2. This attack can not crack WPS/WPA2 psk secure WiFi
Hello friends,
Today I will tell you how you can use a dictionary attack in Dictatorial Attack Kali Linux or parrot-Sec OS
firstly download or clone a tool from this link:- Download Tools
* Open Kali-Linux and go to terminal clone this link(https://github.com/Mebus/cupp.git)
press enter after write command
1. git clone https://github.com/Mebus/cupp.git
2. cd cupp/
3. ls
4. ./cupp.py
now you can see like this options.
there are ask some questions from you for make a Word-lists
5. ./cupp.py -i
then fill some information about victim like these questions
.first name
.dob etc questions about victims
after fill the answers
6. press 'Y' and press enter.
now fill some more activities
and you will be get word-lists file from your computer.

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