what is backdoor attack

About backdoor attack
A backdoor is the type of malware. The hacker makes a way to reach a system so that the system can easily find the sari information or the system to re-enter the system. This process is inserted within an application. In order to provide remote access with the help of any resources, such as stealing information from the database and file server, the criminals provide the ability to remotely release commands and update malware.The backdoors installs are obtained by leveraging the components of weak components in web applications. Once the backdoors are installed, it is difficult to access because the files are badly damaged.
Webservers and backdoors are used for many following malicious activities. like
1. Data theft
2. Protect website
3. Server abduction
4. Launch of Distributed Denial Service (DDOS) attacks
5. Infecting website visitors (burning of attacks of holes)
6. Advanced Continued Danger (APT) Attack

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