What is a man in the middle attack

What is a man-in-the-middle-attack?
An MITM attack is identified. When communication between the two systems is stopped by an external system. And it can be in any kind of online activity, such as social media, email, web surfing etc. Not only do they keep an eye on your private conversation. In addition, they can also see and steal all the information inside your device.For example, your (and your browser) website or website that you are going to block and capture any data submitted on your site, such as login credentials or financial information.
How does a man-in-the-attack work?
In the last few years, hackers have come to know a lot about MITM attacks and you will be surprised to know that this hacking tool becomes available at a very low cost to buy online, some common types of MITM attacks Here are the ones you must know about.Email Hijacking
In this case, hackers use large number of email accounts specifically for financial institutions and banks, this strategic goal. Once they gain access to this important email accounts, they monitor the transactions towards their last attack.
Most MITM attacks are on WiFi connection In this process hackers install legitimate-sound names on a WiFi connection. And all hackers are waiting to connect to you. Which is why they reach your device. Alternatively, hackers can create fake WiFi nodes hidden as a valid WiFi access point to steal personal information for everyone connecting.

read more about Backdoor attack in computer
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